Thursday, October 10, 2019

They Run Our Country?

How unconscionable for the leaders in "THIS" country to operate with such depraved-indifference and dishonor, encouraging our citizens to turn a blind eye to the injustice and to embrace a way of life that goes against the beliefs and every moral fiber our country was founded on, it’s abomination and totally repugnant.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Cat Harness?

Now they have a harness and leash for cats. What were they thinking?
Oh yeah, here we & my cat... down the sidewalk... here comes 2 dogs???? What to do?? This is gonna be a big hit, turn on your videos... Sorry cat, your on your own.... 

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Who Me?

Have you ever done something so stupid, that your ashamed to tell anyone?  That be me this week.  Stupid me, told it on FB, and I got a rash of comments about it......... :(

Dale Jr.

Gone are the days you can see Dale Jr., race.  Now, he will run the business, sportscast, and wait for his daughter to be born.....