Cyberthieves are increasingly planting fake security alerts that pop up when computer users access a legitimate website. The "alert" warns them of a virus and offers security software, sometimes for free and sometimes for a fee.
"Lots of times, in fact they're a conduit for attackers to take over your machine, they'll take your credit card information, any personal information you've entered there and they've got your machine. Some some rogue software have the ability to rope a users' machine into a botnet, a network of machines taken over to send spam or worse.I had this happen to me, and had to have my computer cleaned of this crap.........they also hit my bank for $551.00 and another debit of $42.45. Since I live on a fixed income this really got my attention. Fortunately, I was able to get my money put back into my account, by catching it in time. Some people aren't so lucky!
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