Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here We Go Again..........

I've run into a situation, from which I run most of the last few years.  I find that I've gotten acquainted with a man who is still married, and the divorce isn't final.  Hell, it may not even have been filed yet?  He says he keeps asking her about it, and she says she hasn't heard anything.  It's my opinion that she's stringing him along, and when she finds out that I'm in his life, she will have a walleyed fit, and try to take him, back just to break us up.  I'm trying to be a good friend and just roll with the flow, because any pressure from me, would just turn him off and he would walk away from me.......Hell, I sure don't want to turn him's the best I've had in a long time........that's because I've not jumped into the bed with just anyone, who knocked on my door.  This one was hard to resist, and the fun we've had has been worth it.  I hope that we can keep enjoying each other and that she will finally get the divorce over with.  I don't want to come up empty handed, as I have done many other times in my life.  Those times are a bitch and hard to deal with.  The other woman don't help too much either.  They can give you holy hell, and be able to be on the upper hand of the deal.  All you people "wish me luck", hell, I'm going to need it.

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