Sunday, August 28, 2011
"Warshing" Clothes Recipe.........

Never thought of a "washer" in this light before..what a blessing!
"Warshing Clothes Recipe" -- imagine having a recipe for this ! ! !
Years ago an Alabama grandmother gave the new bride the following recipe:
this is an exact copy as written and found in an old scrapbook -
with spelling errors and all.
Build fire in backyard to heat kettle of rain water. Set tubs so smoke wont blow in eyes if wind is pert. Shave one hole cake of lie soap in boilin water. Sort things, make 3 piles 1 pile white, 1 pile colored, 1 pile work britches and rags. To make starch, stir flour in cool water to smooth, then thin down with boiling water. Take white things, rub dirty spots on board,

scrub hard, and boil, then rub colored don't boil just wrench and starch. Take things out of kettle with broom stick handle, then wrench, and starch. Hang old rags on fence. Spread tea towels on grass. Pore wrench water in flower bed. Scrub porch with hot soapy water. Turn tubs upside down. Go put on clean dress, smooth hair with hair combs.. Brew cup of tea, sit and rock a spell and count your blessings.
Nag Nag
As soon as he walked through the door at home, his wife started on him about,--- 'What time of night to be getting home is this? Where have you been? Dinner is cold and I'm not reheating it'. And on and on and on.
Too shattered to play his usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a shot of whiskey and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself up the stairs.
While he was in the bath, the phone rang. The wife answered and was told that her husband's client, James Wright, had been granted a stay of execution after all. Wright would not be hanged tonight.
Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go up stairs and give him the good news.
As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet.
'They're not hanging Wright tonight,' she said.
He whirled around and screamed,
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Phone Plans
I began to see the light about exactly how much I was spending on those cell phone service plans. It didn't take me long to realize that I needed a plan I could control and have things limited to my needs. My finances are considered "fixed income", so therefore I must have control over my spending. I found that the only way to control my cell phone expenses was to go the "pre-pay" way. This company offers plans that have caught my attentions with everything you need and I'm ready to take the bait.
Shopping for great deals meant that I had to spend time online doing constructive research. I found Straight Talk and took the time to look at all the options offered. As you know your mom knows best
and when my teenager wants to call a friend
I'm thankful that I choose a great plan which allows so much more. I needed a company where there is everything you need and no contracts, no surprise bills and no credit checks. I wanted to get great nationwide coverage and excellent reception and connectivity.
Straight Talk only uses trusted phone manufacturers like LG, Motorola, Kyocera, Nokia and Samsung. Reconditioned phones are available from $10.00 with camera, mp3 player, mobile web access, and blue-tooth capability. Straight Talk can give you everything you need without a contract. Their International Long Distance Service is a flexible prepaid calling service that enables you to make international calls from your home, cell or office phone at low rates. Just look at the money you will be saving with one of these plans. There are many ideas you could whip up, to use that extra money.
Try TracFone
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TracFone for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I found that the only way to control my cell phone expenses was to go the "pre-pay" way. When looking at my recent cell phone bill, I began to see the Light about exactly how much I was spending on those service plans. It didn't take me long to realize that I needed a TracFone plan I could control and have things limited to my needs. My finances are considered "fixed income", so therefore I must have control over my spending.
For real TracFone customers there are no contracts, no credit checks, no activation charges or cancellation fees. plus great nationwide coverage and excellent reception/connectivity. There are several different brands and style of phones to choose from with so many features extra. As real TracFone customers you can stay in touch with your kids and other family members during the hot days of summer.
<iframe width="420" height="345" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I found that through the actual airtime I needed, I could be a person totally in control. All I need to do is is buy one of their phones, then activate it. I know that I can have the convenience of buying airtime when I need it. suggest that you consider looking into this service, if you are looking to have something you can control.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Your Diet
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Viagra.........Oh Yeah!
Walk On Water?
the pub on the far side for their first legal drink.
So when Paddy's 18th birthday came 'round , he and his pal Mick, took a boat out to the middle of the lake. Paddy stepped out of the boat ....and nearly drowned! Mick just barely managed to pull him to safety.
Furious and confused, Paddy went to see his grandmother.
"Grandma'' he asked, "It's my 18th birthday, so why can't I walk 'cross the lake like my father, his father, and his father before him?"
Granny looked deeply into Paddy's troubled brown eyes and said , "Because your father, your grandfather and your great grandfather were all born in December, when the lake is
frozen, and you were born in August, ya dip shit."
Ha Ha
My Dad
I took my dad to the mall the other day to buy some new shoes (he is 66).
We decided to grab a bite at the food court.
I noticed he was watching a teenager sitting next to him.
The teenager had spiked hair in all different colors - green, red, orange, and blue.
My dad kept staring at her.
The teenager kept looking and would find my dad staring every time.
When the teenager had had enough, she sarcastically asked:
"What's the matter old man, never done anything wild in your life?"
Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food so that I would not
choke on his response; I knew he would have a good one!
In classic style he responded without batting an eyelid ....
"Got stoned once and had sex with a parrot. I was just wondering if you might be my kid."

Have you ever been to the “Lone Star State”. It is really something to see. We have just about anything you would want to see, visit or indulge in. Texas, is a great wonderful state, with so many things to offer.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Your Health
1. If walking/cycling is good for your health, the postman would be
2. A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water and is fat.
3. A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years.
4. A tortoise doesn't run, does nothing ...yet lives for 450 years.
How High?
Online Store
Protect Your Children
Monday, August 15, 2011
My Article

Hi Nita Watson,
Your content has been published on Associated Content from Yahoo!.
Old Trees
Enjoy the article I wrote back in June.......
Saturday, August 13, 2011
After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the
barber replied, 'I cannot accept money from you,
I'm doing community service this week.' The florist was pleased and left the shop.
When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there
was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for
him at his door.
Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the
barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you ,
I'm doing community service this week.' The cop was happy and left the shop.
The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you' card
and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.
Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, 'I cannot accept money from you. I'm doing community service this week.' The Congressman was very happy and left the shop. The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.
An Invitation
Friday, August 12, 2011
I found that the only way to control my cell phone expenses was to go the "pre-pay" way. When looking at my recent cell phone bill, I began to see the Light about exactly how much I was spending on those service plans. It didn't take me long to realize that I needed a plan I could control and have things limited to my needs. My finances are considered "fixed income", so therefore I must have control over my spending. I found that through the actual airtime I needed, I could be a person totally in control.
I know that I can have the convenience of buying airtime when I need it and if I'm a real NET10 customer then I can get the auto fill that this company offers.
All I need to do is is buy one of their phones, then activate it. On the screen it will tell me when my minutes will expire and that will help me keep up with my account. I suggest that you consider looking into this service, if you are looking to have something you can control.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Cell Phone Accessories
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Aisle Seat
Just before takeoff, a U.S. Marine sat down in the aisle seat.
After takeoff the Marine kicked his shoes off, wiggled his toes and was settling in when the Arab in the window seat said 'I need to get up and get a coke.'
'Don't get up,' said the Marine 'I'm in the aisle seat, 'I'll get it for you.'
As soon as he left one of the Arabs picked up the Marine's shoe and spat in it. When the Marine returned with the coke, the other Arab said, 'That looks good. I'd really like one t oo.' Again, the Marine obligingly went to fetch it.
While he was gone the other Arab picked up the Marine's other shoe and spat in it. When the Marine returned they all sat back and enjoyed the flight.
As the plane was landing the Marine slipped his feet into his shoes and knew immediately what had happened. He leaned over and asked his Arab neighbors, 'Why does it have to be this way?'
'How long must this go on? This fighting between our nations? This hatred? This animosity? This spitting in shoes and pissing in cokes?'
Monday, August 1, 2011

Hi Nita Watson,
Your content has been published on Associated Content from Yahoo!.
My Hobby

Hi Nita Watson,
Your content has been published on Associated Content from Yahoo!.
Planting by the Moon