Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dale Jr. Muscle Machines, 67 Nova

This is ready for your purchase, on Ebay.......Some lucky person can receive this for Christmas, this year.

For more information on this 67 Nova, go to
 and look at the items I have listed on my ebay page.

Make a lucky boy or man happy to open this present.  Buy now, and have it ready for the Christmas Tree.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


You see all these articles, about "What it means to be Black", "What it means to grow up in a Ghetto".  Then there's the other articles that leave out what it means to be "White" in America.  I'm sure this will stir up some strife where I'm concerned, but hell, tell it like it is!
Being white in America, means you are the last one to get a decent job.  It means you get left out when other "races" get special treatments.  It means you work for the other people while your children are doing without.  You are expected to be legal in every aspect and the other's get what you can't.  Their not legal, and most of them don't have jobs.  They are drawing the money that we are paying into the government while we get nothing.  I'm wondering how the middle class can carry such a heavy weight?  Where do you see being "white" an asset, when it comes to living around people who don't respect the fact that you work, pay taxes and they don't?  Do you consider it fair to work your whole life and not have anything to show for?
That's what's happening to the "white's" in America!  Their being left out of what is rightfully theirs!
The dope dealers don't care!  They drive around in their nice expensive vehicles, live in big fancy homes and still draw welfare off the government.  Just go to your county hospital's and have a look at the long lines.  Go to your "Human Resources" offices or your Social Security offices and see what the "white's" see.  Even more so, go to your Post Office's on Friday's and Saturday's and see the lines sending money out of the country.  A certain large grocery/department store chain even gives them the benefit's of sending money out of the country.
Maybe, I'm being a bit hard core, but facts are facts and we are the one's suffering.  Don't even think about what the elderly go through!  That's another story!


I want to congratulate all of the American governmental officials, in their decisions to change the laws of our nation.  As predicted, we have changed our nation and what it stands for, into a joke!  Just look at the "wackos" that are roaming around with guns killing innocent people!  Where do you think our younger generation got these ideas?  Down through the year's you've taken "God" out of our schools, changed the moral standards, and given our land over to alien criminals who hate us.The country that they are robbing of financial benefits and freedoms that it's own citizens can't obtain.
Today, we live in a country where it's ok to walk into a public place and start shooting with assault rifles and hand guns.  Years ago, when the law to be able to protect ourselves was made, there was no consideration of this activity.  Our leaders, considered that "all the American people" loved their country, and considered life to be sacred.  If you look very long at our history, you will see the decline of our moral standards and ways of life.  Here we are in this mess and it's our own faults!  Keep changing our nation, and see what happens!

In correct?

I took my Biology exam last Friday. I was asked to name two things commonly found in cells.
Apparently "Blacks" and "Mexicans" were not the correct answers.