Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I want to congratulate all of the American governmental officials, in their decisions to change the laws of our nation.  As predicted, we have changed our nation and what it stands for, into a joke!  Just look at the "wackos" that are roaming around with guns killing innocent people!  Where do you think our younger generation got these ideas?  Down through the year's you've taken "God" out of our schools, changed the moral standards, and given our land over to alien criminals who hate us.The country that they are robbing of financial benefits and freedoms that it's own citizens can't obtain.
Today, we live in a country where it's ok to walk into a public place and start shooting with assault rifles and hand guns.  Years ago, when the law to be able to protect ourselves was made, there was no consideration of this activity.  Our leaders, considered that "all the American people" loved their country, and considered life to be sacred.  If you look very long at our history, you will see the decline of our moral standards and ways of life.  Here we are in this mess and it's our own faults!  Keep changing our nation, and see what happens!

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