Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I've been trying to stay afloat in the games that is located on a certain website.  It's do this and do that situations that cause me to get stressed with all the demands.  I want to play them but interacting with others on the same website, just comes at a snails pace, when you are trying to meet this game's deadline.  I've all but given up on some of the games and won't even access them anymore.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Travel Channel

Thanks for the post, Arthur Lawrence
I have been actually looking forward to chilling on my couch and watching TV lately. I went to www.DirectStarTV.com and signed up for service and have been loving all the travel channel shows I have been watching. I have been watching and trying to decide where to take my next vacation. I am a teacher so I get summers off and always try and make the most of them by going on some pretty cool vacations. At this point I have Spain, Florida, and California on my list. Three places that I haven't been before. Thanks to the travel channel, I have my vacations all planned out and filled with the activities I am going to do and the restaurants I am going to eat at. I have booked my tickets for California and Florida and am saving up for Spain over the next couple of months. I have a feeling that I won't be getting much rest this summer and may actually be more tired than before summer! But it will be worth it for the great memories.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hey Gals/Guys.........

It's that time of the year, when you start thinking about your body being bathing suit ready.  You make the effort to loose all those unwanted pounds gained over the winter months and start exercising.  Then you realize that you will need a tan in a hurry.  There are several people who use the spray on tans all year long.  In order to get information about the  best spray tan products   I suggest you click on the link here and look at the information inside.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Man, This is a Pain......

Perks of reaching 50

                or being over 60

                And heading towards

                70 or beyond!


                Kidnappers are not very

                interested in you.


                In a hostage situation,
                you are likely to be released first.


                No one expects you to run  -- 



                People call at 9 PM (or 9 AM) and ask,

                'Did I wake you?'


                People no longer view you as a



                There is nothing left

                to learn the hard way.


                Things you buy now

                won't wear out. 


                You can eat

                supper at 4 PM.


                You get into heated arguments

                about pension plans.


                You no longer think of speed limits

                as a challenge.


                You quit trying to hold
                your stomach in no matter who walks

                into the room.


                You sing along

                with elevator music.


                Your eyes won't get

                much worse.


                Your investment in health insurance

                is finally beginning to pay off.


                Your joints are more accurate meteorologists

                than the national weather service.


                Your secrets are safe with your friends

                because they can't remember them either.


                Your supply of brain cells is finally down to

                a manageable size.


                You can't remember

                who sent you this list.

                And you notice these are all

                in big print

                for your convenience.

                Forward this to everyone

                you can remember

                right now!

                Never, NEVER, NEVER ,

                under any circumstances,

                take a sleeping pill, and a laxative on

                the same night!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Time

The time is here to enjoy the highlights, game, food, drinks and the win..........it's a time of year that most US people gather around a TV whether it's big screen or something around the house.  The game is one that draws attention in many areas of life.  The markets go wild with their items, as well as the food dealers.  It's a time of revelry for all who love this sport.  The "Giants and the Patriots" are going at it, to see which team will carry home the big money, the rings and the trophy. It's as "American" as coke, hotdogs and apple pie.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Valentine's Day

Hey, guys the day is just around the corner and you know what that means.  You must find the right gift for your Valentine and hope that she likes it.  I've never seen a woman that didn't like flowers.  Going online you can find roses from valentinesdayflowers.com  that will sweep her off her feet.  Make sure you get the one's she likes, so that you can score more points with her this Valentine's Day.