I just can't understand, why, he thinks he can control me? I've been with him a year and a half and it's like, he's got it all down on how to control me and there's no other way, but his. If things don't go the way he wants them to go, he gets all sullen and pouty, making me pay for not catering to his every wish. I don't get much time out of the house to enjoy myself, but when I do,he's always right there, under me. If he's ready to go, then I have to stop what I'm doing and "GO"! If not, the pouting and hateful slurs, begin along with "he's not doing anything". He doesn't either.......he just sits around and watches TV and makes him something to eat or snacks on things. No matter if I cook a big meal, he will not eat a bite of it.
Now he's gotten to the point, he will sleep on the couch, rather than in the bed with me, which is great, cause I get the bed all to myself..........but this is just another "put down" on his part. This little "boy stuff" is crap and I'm really tired of it. He just don't understand that, it really is "my house" and "my life", and he's just there for the amusement. Which he has completely stopped, in the last year. The only thing he does, that really helps, is mow the lawn and buy the groceries. The rest I do.........how's that for greatness!
So, when I'm having fun doing something away from the house, he's right under me, and there's no hanky panky going on? What's his problem? Why can't he just enjoy the time with me and let it go at that? I do things he wants to do and let it go, I might not like them or want to do them, but I see it as a two way street. I'm just not happy anymore, with his crap, yet it's hard to give up the relationship, as it is. It has it's goods and bads.......as with all relationships.......oh, well........I just let him stew in his own brew, as usual.......he'll get glad in the same clothes, he got mad in........seriously!
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