Honduras' congressional leader Roberto Micheletti, whom Congress appointed President of Honduras on Sunday, speaks during an interview with the Associated Press in Tegucigalpa, Tuesday June 30, 2009. The U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday unanimously condemned the military coup in Honduras and demanded ousted President Manuel Zelaya's immediate return to power.
This country will pull the other countries into this damned thing. I for one am tired of our country trying to help all these countries, who don't give a damned about us, until they need help. It's always, some country wanting to cause an uprising or a take over. We've been in these things so long it's second nature to us to send our money to the other places.
This country will pull the other countries into this damned thing. I for one am tired of our country trying to help all these countries, who don't give a damned about us, until they need help. It's always, some country wanting to cause an uprising or a take over. We've been in these things so long it's second nature to us to send our money to the other places.
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