My New Blog
Welcome, to "Letters To Heaven", my new blog.....started this month and becoming a well visited site. I hoping to make it a site that you can visit and associate with. I also want to welcome you and your letters, to my site.. Please feel free to submit your "letters", for posting. I will post them and send you the URL, to the post, for your view. Your identity can remain anonymous, if you so desire, this is strictly up to your preferences.
I believe some of you would like to write a letter to a lost loved one, or maybe to God, or a friend or enemy....or just to a person, who affected your life and world. Sort of a way of healing or cleaning your mind or conscious, feelings about the person, the way they died or otherwise.
Feel free to visit and comment, please link to it and make this a great blog for all..........
I thank you

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