Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weekends !

I wonder what these websites' are doing, (not posting jobs), on the weekends? I sure could get some work done on the weekends if they'd put up the work, for us to do. Just think how many more advertisements, they could get paid for, if they'd just post work for us to do. I would like to see more effort on their part to give us more jobs.!

I wish I could get my PR up so, I could get the higher paying jobs...........I just keep fading out, somehow..........? I keep wondering what I'm doing wrong? The traffic's just not giving me the PR I need on all my blogs. I'm at a loss? Any ideas, you wish to offer?

1 comment:

Denise said...

Hey there! Send me an email at I have found a new way to make money, good money, where you can get paid today!

I am going to make a post about it at Blog Catalog.

Sorry I haven't been in touch, I have been busy trying to keep my head above water!

