Thursday, July 31, 2008

Both Are Not Good

The nation is facing electing a person, who is not ready to lead the country. As of now, we are only looking at the two men, who are running against each other and they haven't even picked running mates. Now what will we have when they do that? I wonder who McCain will pick as his running mate? That one's a toss up of underdogs. Then you look to Obama, and what do you see? Clinton, isn't a positive shoe, he could pick someone else at the last minute and surprise all of us.
I'm still worried at the outcome of the election, with these two men as candidates and no one else to choose from. The issue of McCain's age has come up and that well could deter many, when choosing. Obama, hasn't been on the front line in the military, so he can only guess, and either way the one who is finally our president, will be subject to the cabinet and advisers on each affair. The president really can't run the government by himself, so all these other people will have their say in how he should decide.
I feel a certain snobbish air with each man, and wonder where the American people will be in 4 years. Certainly the middle and lower class people will suffer once again at the hands of our government. This time I also worry about our nations, elderly and disabled citizens. We really have a problem on the home front and it's not going away any time soon.

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