Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A compliment........

I'm always griping about my man, and today I wish to compliment I speak he is out in this hot sunny weather, edging the sidewalk and driveway. I see him sweating and having to stop to rest ever so often and so, I wanted to tell you how hard he is working for our yard to look nice.
Two days ago, he thoughtfully dug holes for my 2 banana trees, that he bought for me this week. We had dug one up on our trip to his hometown, last year when we visited his cousin. We were out looking at her property and I noticed her huge banana plants, with large hanging clumps of bananas, ready to eat. So, before we left, he went out and dug me a small one, which we brought home and planted. It faired well until the winter, and it died. So, he was replacing it for me, and since he got a good deal on them, he bought them for me.
How can a girl not like that? Hey, he spoils me, in various ways, and I can let some of the other, stuff go. Even if they do irk me...... :)

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