Bronze medallist Ara Abrahamia…
Reuters - Aug 14, 6:08 am EDT
Well, I've seen just about everything now. Swedish wrestler Ara Abrahamian, threw down his medal in protest on Thursday after his bid for Olympic gold was ended by a decision denounced by the Swedish coach as “politics.” The wrestler had to be restrained by his teammates earlier when a row erupted with judges over the decision in a semifinal bout. He said that his team mates called him 20 minutes before the event and begged him to compete. He believes the decision, was totally unjustified.
1 comment:
Regardless of whether Ara was justified in his actions, I’ve never seen Swedes get so fired up before. Having lived there for a year I’ve noticed a few things about the Swedes: They show little emotion. They keep their feelings to themselves. And they generally avoid controversy. All that went out the window with Ara’s protest. I’m glad to see them cut loose. Although if this would have been a natural born Swede (Ara is originally Armenian and didn’t get his Swedish citizenship until his 20s), I doubt we would have seen that fire.
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